St. Louis County Republicans Voice Their Support of The Trump Administration’s Pursuit of Election Truth

At their regularly scheduled monthly meeting last night, members of the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee voted unanimously to support President Trump’s attempt to investigate voting irregularities. This included the United States Justice Department and our local officials.

See their resolution below:

Free and fair elections are the bedrock of America’s unprecedented multi-century tradition of the peaceful transition of power. The U.S. Constitution leaves it to the states to develop procedures and safeguards to guarantee that all legally eligible voters can cast their ballots securely and confidently in their elections. When there appears to be evidence that states have failed to uniformly implement these safeguards, it is the right of any candidate in to seek access to the ballots and conduct a review of the vote. However, the U.S. Department of Justice has the ultimate authority to protect the integrity of federal elections.

We, the committee men and women of the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee, believe election fraud on any scale is unacceptable. With reports of potential significant fraud from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin we are extremely concerned not only about the outcome of this election, but also about the American public’s trust of our entire election process going forward.

Problems with the voter signatures, postal marks on mailed in ballots and the extensions granted for such ballots to arrive, as well as the inability of poll watchers to continuously monitor vote counts are all election issues which require investigation and resolution. These investigations and challenges must be concluded prior to the final outcome of this election’s certification in order to secure the public trust in our federal elections.

Therefore the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee resolves to:

  • Support the use of Federal prosecutors authorized to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of the elections nationwide.
  • Support our state Attorney General’s participation in the amicus brief, filed along with nine other states attorney generals in the U.S. Supreme Court, challenging Pennsylvania’s decision to count mail-in ballots which arrived through Friday November 6,2020.
  • Work with the Missouri legislature to review and address any weaknesses in our own state election policies and procedures that might contribute to such public distrust in the future, and develop solutions that will ensure the public’s confidence in the safety and accuracy of our election process.

The St. Louis County Republican Central Committee is made up of Republican Committeemen and Committeewomen elected to the various Townships in St. Louis County. For more information see their website:

Published by stlcgop

University Township Republican Committeeman

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